Torrents tropical cuties

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In relation to sexism, I think the situation with Bresha is different because she actually took some sort of action. A lot of the things you see in Hollywood, the discussion gets tainted by the fact that a lot of these women felt silenced for so long. How does this album fit into the political climate the country now? #RADIO SILENCE TALIB PROFESSIONAL#īecause of professional situations and society, they didn’t come out with it and now they’re validity and truth is being questioned because they chose to be silent. God willing, my albums are not based on political trends and they fit where they’re supposed to fit. When Obama was elected, there were journalists who asked me without irony what I was going to rap about. They were ignorant and assumed that my total output is based on racism and that somehow the idea of a black president means that racism is over so what else could Talib Kweli rap about? It was disconcerting that people asked me that. I thought us, as a country, especially journalists who are interviewing hip-hop artists, were more astute than that.

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